sharing my journey of finding balance, or something
Oh hi, I'm Beck! I blog for my sanity and maybe your's, too!
About Us
I 'm just a girl, blogging about her life to the world, asking them to connect with her
I've only just begun... so they say. Between the elusive work/life balancing act, active family, and all of the in between that turns it all into a blur, I will share my journey of attempting to do it all. If I figure anything out I promise I'll share! If not maybe we'll be able to laugh about it someday.

Picking up tips and interesting factoids as I go. Possibly some of life's lessons

Where I am
One day I had an incredible view from my office window. Breathtaking and slightly barren, all home to me.

Where I wish I was
If wishing is for the classic non-doer, then I submit exhibit A as proof that's just BS. When I can I do, and when I can't I wish.

What I'm probably doing right now
An image taken from a real life work-in-progress moment and the beginning of something great!

Beck Stirling
Chaotic Lifestyle
Join me on my journey of creating a balanced lifestyle, or something